About soul-guitars
With soul-guitars, we aim to create a tailored instrument for you with love and precision – based on the principles of sustainable & fair sound art.
Make an impact!
We’re all about living sustainability, even when it comes to your instrument. We work with sound- and valuable woods/materials from all over the world and thus consciously determine under which conditions we want to do this.
For soul-guitars, the core elements are sustainable forestry and fair working and trading conditions. It’s a challenge – but doable! Once we have found the right wood (maybe even from the neighbor’s garden?) for your individual and personal acoustic vision, it’s time to build your soulmate: your preferred music style and the way you play the guitar have a huge influence here!
At soul-guitars, we also practice fairness within our own company. What we wish for ourselves, we also strive to live with our fellow human beings. Thus, we engage with colleagues, partners, suppliers, and customers on an equal footing, aiming to create an open, honest and pleasant work atmosphere.
Founded 2020 in the unique and beautiful Franconian Switzerland, our goal is: Together with you, our mission is to preserve or create your unique, sustainable and fair soulmate!